It's a matter of...

A: - Isn't he too young?

B: - Maybe.

A: - So?

B: - Ok, he's a boy, so what?

A: - Yes, he's only a boy.

B: - Well, I do prefer a boy who behaves like a boy than a boy who pretends to be a man.

A: - Oh. It's tiring, I guess.

B: - Naturally. No promisses, no expectations. These things don't mean happiness. Happiness is something easy to get if you know how to deal with life and people around you.


renatocinema disse…
Uma pergunta desse seu amigo ignorante (no inglês). Você coloca texto em inglês para me obrigar a estudar ou para eu não comentar no seu blog? kkkkk

Goody bye. kk
Larissa disse…
Happiness is something easy to get if you actually want it and go for it. And age is just a number
Alline disse…
I do prefer a boy who behaves like a boy than a boy who pretends to be a man. =D

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